Repeat Prescriptions
These are requested by ticking the appropriate box on your order slip and placing in the repeat prescription box (wooden box on wall) in the surgery lobby between 08:20 and 18:00 on weekdays. When the surgery is closed, please post your repeat slip through the front door letterbox. There is no need to queue up at reception, simply place your slip in the repeat prescription box.
Alternatively you can order online by following the link at the top of this page.
Your repeat prescription can be sent electronically to partcipating pharmacies - please sign up at your pharmacy.
Your medication and replacement slip can be collected at your chosen pharmacy. Please check with your chosen pharmacy for collection arrangements. If you have not specified a pharmacy on request, please collect from the surgery and take to the chemist of your choice. There is a pharmacy on the surgery site, leased to Boots Chemist, but you can have your prescriptions dispensed at the pharmacy of your choice.
Prescriptions can be sent by post if you provide a stamped addressed envelope.
Medication Reviews
Medications are reviewed annually and your medication review should take place during your birth month. The reception team will not be able to issue any repeat prescription requests once your review date has been reached. You will need to make an appointment to have a medication review with your usual doctor and the review date will be updated accordingly.
Obviously, if there are any problems before that review date, patients are encouraged to return and see their doctor.
The surgery requires two working days for prescriptions to be processed. Please remember to check with your pharmacy how much time they need to dispense your prescription as this can vary. Remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.